Course Course Summary Section 1 Content Section 1 Content Left Section 1 Content Right Credit Type: Course ACE ID: MACI-0126 Organization's ID: 1234 Organization: Management Concepts, Inc. Location: Classroom-based Length: 7 days (56 hours) Dates Offered: 8/1/2024 - 7/31/2027 Credit Recommendation & Competencies Section 2 Content Section 2 Content Left Section 2 Content Right Level Credits (SH) Subject Upper-Division Baccalaureate 4 Procurement Management Students cannot receive a credit recommendation for this course and the Career Gateway - Acquisition (MACI-0121) course. Description Section 3 Content Section 3 Content Left Section 3 Content Right Objective: The course objective is to enable contracting specialists to be prepared for a career in the contracting profession. CON 1400 aims to provide participants with both the government and industry perspective on the management and administration of contracts. Students will build a foundation of essential skills and competencies for managing contracts and ensuring contractor performance meets contractual requirements. This course poses challenges such as: How do you administer a contract? How do you handle a contract modification? How do you ensure quality of products and services? What kind of oversight does a subcontractor require? How do you handle disagreements with the contractor? Students will examine the duties performed by contracting personnel during the post award phase of the acquisition process and improve their knowledge and skills in managing contract performance. This course is one of four courses within the Contracting Certification Training Program, based upon specific competencies within the Contracting Training Model. Learning Outcomes: Summarize the characteristics of contract payment. Describe contract communication mechanisms for contract execution. Describe contract interpretation and disputes. Summarize contract termination. Describe the contract administration planning and decision-making processes. Summarize the requirements to maximize small business participation through subcontracting. Outline the key elements of managing contract close out for the buyer and seller. Recognize the buyer and sellers’ actions to reconcile the contract for closeout. Recognize the fundamental concepts that ensure quality assurance in contract performance. Summarize the aspects of managing subcontracts. Summarize the characteristics of managing changes during contract performance . Summarize procedures associated with the final disposition of government property as identified in the FAR, DFARS, and Federal Management Regulation. Identify the key elements that comprise the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) and finalize contract. General Topics: Contract Administration Quality Assurance for Post-Award Subcontract Management and Small Business Subcontracting Managing Contract Changes Interpretations, Disputes, and Terminations Contract Closeout Instruction & Assessment Section 4 Content Section 4 Content Left Section 4 Content Right Instructional Strategies: Classroom Exercise Discussion Lectures Practical Exercises Methods of Assessment: Examinations Other Participation Minimum Passing Score: 80% Supplemental Materials Section 5 Content Section 5 Content Left Section 5 Content Right Section 6 Content Section 6 Content Left Section 6 Content Right Button Content Rail Content 1 Other offerings from Management Concepts, Inc. ACQ 265: Mission-Focused Services Acquisition (MACI-0112) ACQ 315: Understanding Industry (Business Acumen) (MACI-0117) ACQ 370: Acquisition Law (MACI-0111) Advanced COR Workshop (MACI-0096) Advanced Simplified Acquisition Procedures (MACI-0057) Agile Project Management for the Federal Environment (MACI-0108) Career Gateway - Acquisition (MACI-0121) CON 1100: Contract Foundational Skills (MACI-0124) CON 1200: Contract Pre-Award (MACI-0125) CON 1300: Contract Award (MACI-0122) View All Courses Page Content