Course Course Summary Section 1 Content Section 1 Content Left Section 1 Content Right Credit Type: Course ACE ID: BEDU-0001 Organization: Bridge Education Group Location: Online Length: 12 weeks (150 hours) Dates Offered: 8/1/2022 - 6/30/2025 11/1/2018 - 7/31/2022 Credit Recommendation & Competencies Section 2 Content Section 2 Content Left Section 2 Content Right Level Credits (SH) Subject Graduate 3 teaching methodology Graduate 3 planning and assessment This course is being recommended for a total of 6 semester hours in the graduate level Description Section 3 Content Section 3 Content Left Section 3 Content Right Objective: This is a reading and discussion-based course on effective, current methodology for teaching English to adult speakers of other languages with emphasis given to teaching in classrooms in countries where English is not the dominant language - an English as a foreign language context. While the emphasis is on methodology, other aspects of English language teaching, such as applicable theories in linguistics and education, will also be addressed. At the end of the course, participants are expected to be able to produce lesson plans and analysis, a research summary and application project, as well as their own personal philosophy of teaching statement. All of these assessments are mean to demonstrate understanding of the principles illustrated throughout the course and then apply them. Learning Outcomes: compare and contrast language acquisition principles and apply this knowledge to classroom teaching decisions define the characteristics of learners at different stages of life, concentrating on what adult learners need and identify the qualities of a "good" teacher through an explanation of the different roles teachers assume articulate how an effective error treatment strategy promotes learning and define the importance of giving good feedback demonstrate an understanding of the 4 skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening demonstrate knowledge of an effective teaching sequence identify concepts important to receptive and productive skills instruction develop vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation lesson sequences write actionable, measurable learning objectives design a complete lesson plan with a research-based rationale develop and defend an assessment strategy for a given context and class profile demonstrate an ability to execute an autonomous research summary and apply findings to a teaching context define the benefits of regular professional development and reflection analyze the characteristics of language teaching approaches and methodologies and apply them to classroom instruction articulate a personal teaching philosophy using profession-specific vocabulary General Topics: The world of English language teaching Describing the English language Learning theory and classroom implications Methodology: balance and structure English language learners’ autonomy in learning Roles of the teacher teaching groups vs. individuals Error analysis and correction techniques Class management and affective factors Appropriately grouping students instructional technology How planning enriches learning Helping students notice language Effective grammar teaching Effective vocabulary teaching Categorizing English as skills Teaching reading Teaching listening Teaching writing Teaching speaking Assessment Professional development Instruction & Assessment Section 4 Content Section 4 Content Left Section 4 Content Right Instructional Strategies: Audio Visual Materials Case Studies Computer Based Training Discussion Lectures Practical Exercises Project-based Instruction Methods of Assessment: Case Studies Performance Rubrics (Checklists) Quizzes Written Papers Minimum Passing Score: 80% Supplemental Materials Section 5 Content Section 5 Content Left Section 5 Content Right Section 6 Content Section 6 Content Left Section 6 Content Right Button Content Rail Content 1 Other offerings from Bridge Education Group Advanced Methods in Teaching English Online (BEDU-0004) Foundations in Teaching English Online (BEDU-0003) Master Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (BEDU-0002) Teaching English to Teenagers and Young Adults (BEDU-0007) Teaching English to Young Learners (BEDU-0006) View All Courses Page Content