The course objective is to focus on the characteristics of societies existing in the Americas prior to 1877. Students learn about pre-Columbian Indigenous societies and their impact on the social and cultural landscape of the Americas. In turn, this course examines the impact of European exploration and colonization of the "New World" on Europe, Africa, and the young United States. Students explore the transformation of the American landscape due to colonial competition among England, France, and Spain. In addition, this course discusses the development of colonies like Virginia and South Carolina as well as the evolution of the institution of slavery across the Thirteen Colonies. Specific causes of the American Revolution are examined as well as the emergence of the United States of America and the development of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Moreover, the evolution of the American presidency is analyzed through the western and industrial expansion from the Jeffersonian era through Abraham Lincoln's presidency. Students also examine the causes and events of the Civil War, and they evaluate how Reconstruction plans succeeded or failed.