
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Estimated 28 hours (self-study)
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Lower-Division Baccalaureate 1 Psychology


To provide students with the first of a three part series of an introductory level psychology course. The goals of the course are to explore the major psychological approaches to the study of behavior, including their history, contributors, methods, research findings, terminology, and current directions. The course promotes the development of scientific values and skills, recognition of individual bias in experimentation, and the ability to evaluate generalizations and encourage personal development through increased understanding and tolerance of the behavior of others and a curiosity about the forces that make us behave as we do. The students will learn of new research techniques that result in classic findings as well as how to interweave the theme of psychology as a scientific enterprise with that of psychology as a course of knowledge and practice that can improve the quality of life.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Will be aware of the scientific method and ways in which data are collected and analyzed
  • Will be familiar with the structure and composition of the brain, including how neurons function, how information is collected and transmitted, how it controls behavior, and conversely how behavior and environment influence the brain's structure and functioning
  • Understand the basic principles and researchers of classical and operant conditioning such as Pavlov, Thorndike, Watson, and Skinner as well as contemporary researchers
  • Have knowledge of how psychology serves as a crossroads of many fields, from philosophy and anthropology to biochemistry and artificial intelligence
  • Will have knowledge of the development of a human being, including the nature versus nurture debate, the development of language, and the contributions of both heredity and environment
Instruction & Assessment

Instructional Strategies:

  • Audio Visual Materials
Supplemental Materials