Course Course Summary Section 1 Content Section 1 Content Left Section 1 Content Right Credit Type: Course ACE ID: NEMI-0289 Organization's ID: L0290 Organization: National Disaster and Emergency Management University (NDEMU) Location: Classroom-based Length: 2 days (16 hours) Dates Offered: 5/1/2024 - 4/30/2027 10/1/2021 - 9/30/2024 Credit Recommendation & Competencies Section 2 Content Section 2 Content Left Section 2 Content Right Credit is not recommended. Description Section 3 Content Section 3 Content Left Section 3 Content Right Objective: The course objective is to understand the value of communication before, during and after an incident. It will help students identify critical audiences, both internal and external. Learning Outcomes: Explain why emergency public information is important during an incident Compare actions PIOs can take to work with the news media during day-to-day and emergency situations Using the strategic communications planning model, develop an incident communications strategy (5%) Outline media needs at the scene Describe different public information written products Describe what types of impressions specific body language might convey during an interview Demonstrate effective techniques for on-camera interviews Explain the news briefing cycle Recognize the functional needs and challenges of different audiences Demonstrate the role and function of the PIO in both day-to-day and emergency environments Using the strategic communications planning model, develop a public awareness campaign (95%) Describe the difference between media briefings and press conferences Apply effective news release writing guidance Adapt or repurpose written media products for other purposes Identify elements of an interview the PIO should consider ahead of time Identify steps a PIO needs to take to prepare for and conduct a news interview Given an emergency scenario, apply public information skills General Topics: Incidents communication Internal and external critical audiences Instruction & Assessment Section 4 Content Section 4 Content Left Section 4 Content Right Instructional Strategies: Audio Visual Materials Case Studies Classroom Exercise Discussion Learner Presentations Lectures Practical Exercises Methods of Assessment: Examinations Minimum Passing Score: 75% Supplemental Materials Section 5 Content Section 5 Content Left Section 5 Content Right Section 6 Content Section 6 Content Left Section 6 Content Right Button Content Rail Content 1 Other offerings from National Disaster and Emergency Management University (NDEMU) Advanced Building Science Series I (NEMI-0319) Advanced Floodplain Management Concepts II (NEMI-0174) Advanced I - Application of Advanced Individual Concepts in Emergency Management (NEMI-0221) Advanced II: Assessment of Teams in Professional Emergency Management (NEMI-0223) Advanced III: Contemporary Issues in the Emergency Management Organization (NEMI-0231) Advanced Incident Command System For Complex Incidents, ICS 400 (NEMI-0298) Advanced IV - Advanced Concepts and Policy in the Emergency Management Profession (NEMI-0232) Advanced Public Information Officer Course (NEMI-0028) Basic Academy Train the Trainer (NEMI-0264) View All Courses Page Content