
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Self-paced. 7 weeks
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Lower-Division Baccalaureate 3 introduction to health and human development


The course objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of core concepts in health and human development. As a lower-level Health/Human Behavior course, this course is intended for students from a variety of backgrounds and intended degree programs. Emphasis is placed on general health, wellness, and mind/body connection; human development and relationships; fitness and nutrition; addiction; disease and prevention; consumer awareness; psychological and addictive disorders; intention injury; and violence.

Learning Outcomes:

  • explain the connection between the mind and body in relation to health and wellness in general, and mental health and illness specifically along with stress and its ailments towards your body
  • understand the difference between mental health versus mental illness
  • understand the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention as it relates to health promotion and wellness
  • understand the need to foster healthy relationships and how it impacts healthy development
  • evaluate how reproduction, sexuality, intimate relationships, aging, death and bereavement effect human development
  • understand sexuality as a whole and the different sexual orientations along with the various principles in contraception
  • apply knowledge of addiction and addictive behavior to human behavior and health
  • differentiate between drug tolerance vs drug addiction and the affects it has on your body
  • identify the various additive substances that are used in relation to addictive behaviors and their effects on their health
  • list the components of physical fitness and nutrition, and their effects on the body and mind
  • understand the nutritional requirements the body needs to be effective along with weight management and understand the importance of weight management in relationship to health and wellness
  • identify diseases, disease prevention tactics, and risk factors for disease
  • understand the types of immunity and how to support a healthy and intact immune system
  • understand different disease processes / viruses that can alter an intact immune system
  • identify risk factors and/or preventative approaches used to identify caner, autoimmune disorders
  • identify a healthy approach to keep and intact cardiovascular, endocrine, autoimmune system
  • discuss human safety concerns including intentional injuries, violence, and environmental concerns
  • identify ways to engage the consumers/environment on safety practices to avoid injury, violence

General Topics:

  • Dimensions of health and wellness
  • Dimensions of human development and relationships
  • Addiction: tobacco, alcohol, drugs, non-substance addictions, other addictions
  • Components of fitness and nutrition
  • Risk factors, disease and disease prevention: infectious disease, cardiovascular system, immune disorders, cancer, genetic and arthritic related disorders, diabetes
  • Safety, consumer awareness, and environmental concerns: aspects of safety, intentional injuries, aspects of consumer awareness, dimensions of environmental concerns
Instruction & Assessment

Instructional Strategies:

  • Audio Visual Materials
  • Case Studies
  • Discussion
  • Lectures

Methods of Assessment:

  • Quizzes
  • Written Papers
  • Discussion Boards

Minimum Passing Score:

Supplemental Materials

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