Course Course Summary Section 1 Content Section 1 Content Left Section 1 Content Right Credit Type: Course ACE ID: ACPE-0107 Organization's ID: BUS101 Organization: Alternative Credit Project Ecosystem Location: Online Length: This is a self-paced online course that is completed over 132.75 hours Dates Offered: 4/1/2015 - 5/31/2018 Credit Recommendation & Competencies Section 2 Content Section 2 Content Left Section 2 Content Right Level Credits (SH) Subject Lower-Division Baccalaureate 3 Introduction to Business Description Section 3 Content Section 3 Content Left Section 3 Content Right Objective: The course objective is to introduce business terminology, concepts, and current business ideas; and develop a viable business vocabulary, foster critical and analytical thinking, and refine students' business decision-making skills. Learning Outcomes: Identify and analyze business cycles Identify the legal forms of business, and describe the advantages and disadvantages of each Describe and analyze the components of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion), and explain how segmentation and research will foster an understanding of consumer behavior Explain how economic indicators shape business decisions Describe the components of a business plan and the purpose of each component Explain the components of a balance sheet and income statement Formulate several financial ratios, and communicate the implications of those ratios for future performance of a company Explain and identify leadership and management skills necessary for a successful business General Topics: The context of business Productivity in the U.S. economy Components of economic stability Components of economic policy Entrepreneurship and legal forms of business Legal forms of business Business plan Entrepreneurship Marketing Marketing defined Marketing strategy Consumer behavior Accounting, finance, and banking Components of income statement Components of balance sheet Role of banks in finance Credit analysis Value of money Management Define management Role of human resource management Teamwork and communication Forming a corporate mission and culture Instruction & Assessment Section 4 Content Section 4 Content Left Section 4 Content Right Instructional Strategies: Audio Visual Materials Case Studies Computer Based Training Practical Exercises Methods of Assessment: Examinations Minimum Passing Score: 70% Supplemental Materials Section 5 Content Section 5 Content Left Section 5 Content Right Section 6 Content Section 6 Content Left Section 6 Content Right Button Content Rail Content 1 Page Content