ACE Summits

​​​ACE Summits convene higher education leaders to address critical issues facing their campuses. The American Council on Education (ACE) partners with member institutions to create accessible, timely professional learning opportunities that facilitate collaboration with peers and result in actionable campus strategies.


Experiences and input from ACE members inform the selection of Summit topics. The issues and challenges addressed are broad in scope, require campus-wide approaches, and involve an array of leaders and stakeholders. Past Summits have focused on student mental health, student success, and free expression and inclusion.​​

What to Expect

While format and content vary by event, key elements of Summits include:

  • Insights and practical advice from national and regional experts, leaders, and practitioners
  • Presentation, analysis, and discussion of new data from ACE and other sources and its implications for practice
  • Hands-on analysis of case examples and real-world situations
  • Exercises to assess participants' own campus implementation, identify immediate action opportunities, and plan for the future
  • Facilitated networking with colleagues to share strategies and good practices
Who Should Come

Because Summits address complex, campus-wide issues and include analysis and planning for participants’ own work, institutions are encouraged to send teams of leaders and faculty from relevant offices and disciplines in order to build internal lines of communication and lay the groundwork for post-Summit collaboration. 

Participants from around and outside the U.S. are welcome and encouraged to attend. 

Interested in hosting an ACE Summit on your campus? Email us at

Past Summits

 ​Interested in Hosting?

​​ACE is partnering with member instituti​ons to bring workshops on critical issues and place-based professional learning opportunities directly to your campuses.

If your team is interested in hosting an ACE Summit on your campus, please let us know!

Email us at