Demystifying Student Success: Building Credit for Prior Learning Opportunities
2/26/2021 9:00 AM
2/26/2021 12:00 PM
Format: Online
Program Type: Summit

Summits are one- to two-day virtual, in-person, or hybrid events centered on a particular theme. They provide insights, practical advice, and collaborative solutions from national and regional experts, leaders, and practitioners. Summit themes address issues and challenges that are broad in scope, require campus-wide approaches, and involve an array of stakeholders.

Join ACE and Palomar Community College for this interactive virtual event, designed to inspire your strategies for Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) integration and campus-wide support. Sessions will focus on CPL as an equity imperative, and hands-on tactics for successful implementation. Participants will be required to pre-select two concurrent sessions during the registration process.

Who Should Attend

This event is open to participants at institutions that are part of the California Community Colleges and California State University systems.

Role: Faculty and administrators (CPL Coordinators, Articulation Officers, Counselors, Veterans Services, Student Services, Admissions, Financial Aid)


All times are Pacific Time.

9:00 – 9:20 a.m. - Welcome / General Session

9:30  10:10 a.m. - Concurrent Sessions A

10:20  10:40 a.m. - General Session – Student Focused (Testimonials, Inspirational)

10:50  11:30 a.m. - Concurrent Sessions B

11:40 a.m. 12:00 p.m. - General Session – Wrap Up

Explore the Concurrent Sessions

Both the A and B time slots will offer attendees the opportunity to attend one of the following concurrent sessions:

 Building the CA Playbook for CPL

​Moderators: Michele Spires and Terrence Nelson

The policy is in place, now what? Let's discuss some specific practices and frameworks, benchmark those for implementation, and brainstorm tactical strategies to build and refine guidelines.

 Perspectives and Practices to Support Intersegmental Integration of Credit for Prior Learning

​Presenter: Dr. Aisha Lowe, Vice Chancellor for Educational Services and Support with California Community Colleges

Are you ready to take local implementation of intersegmental credit for prior learning policy and practice to the next level? Join the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) the California State University Chancellor's Office (CSUCO), and esteemed practitioners in this interactive session focused on perspectives and tactics that demystify student success and open doors to intersegmental credit for prior learning opportunities.

 Validating CPL's Value Proposition with Research and Data

​Presenter: Becky Klein-Collins, Associate Vice President, Advancement and Impact, Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL)

What do the data say about the value of credit for prior learning (CPL) also referred to as prior learning assessment (PLA)? Come learn the results from a 72-institution targeted study of PLA and student outcomes (December 2020). Explore how you can use these findings to make a difference!

 A Faculty Perspective - Rigor of ACE's Learning Evaluations

​Presenters: Lisa Ferris-McCann and Ashely Poptancyz

Are you curious about how ACE Learning Evaluations engages faculty to determine the alignment of credit recommendations from corporate and military courses and experiences?Would you like to learn the breadth and scope of the evaluation process by hearing from faculty directly?If your answers are yes, this is the concurrent session not to be missed! Over 60 years of practice in the field, ACE has developed its industry standard process to evaluate learning in military, workplace, and community settings for college credit equivalency. The process pairs a structured framework to review the content, scope, rigor, breadth, and depth of non-institutional learning, with the disciplinary expertise of college faculty to evaluate and recommend college credit equivalents.


This award is generously sponsored by Palomar College and Saddleback College.

Registration Closed

Registration for this event is now closed.