Preventing Gender-Based Harassment and Violence Learning Circles
11/1/2022 9:00 AM
11/1/2022 5:00 PM
Format: Online
Program Type: Learning Circle

Learning circles are social learning groups of college and university leaders who are pursuing transformative change. Campus leaders who are trained and supported by ACE facilitate ​​online meetings. Agendas are determined by members’ goals and challenges. Discussions draw from ACE and collaborator content. Following the structured program, participants have the option of continuing to meet using ACE technology.

​​​​​​​Despite the high visibility of federal, state, and institutional efforts to respond to gender violence and sexual assault on campuses, the issue of prevention still vexes many higher education administrators. In order to create truly equitable campuses that are free from sex discrimination, it is critical to deter gender-based violence before it ever happens. Promising practices are emerging from a growing body of research focused on this prevention. 

Are you committed to implementing data-driven practices and policies to prevent gender-based violence and sexual harassment on campus? Then join a Preventing Gender-Based Harassment and Violence Learning Circle and be part of a group striving to use proven methods to prevent harassment before it ever occurs. This may include creating Coordinated Community Response Teams, utilizing data from high-quality climate surveys, and conducting bystander intervention and other trainings for students. Effective interventions should move a campus toward fair and consistent accountability, and they should also include comprehensive policies that strengthen community engagement and security on campus.​

Learning circle members will identify, share, and help each other advance policies and practices that address this significant issue, including identifying programs that have worked well with students.​​

​When and ​Where

Learning circles are conducted entirely online. Members will meet for one hour each month​ for six months, starting in November. ​Sign up to indicate interest in this set of learning circles. ​

​About ACE Le​arning Circles

Learning circles are social learning groups of college and university leaders who are pursuing transformative change. Campus leaders trained and supported by ACE facilitate online meetin​gs for a defined period of time. Agendas are determined by members’ goals and challenges, and discussions draw from ACE and collaborator content. Following the ​structured program, participants have the option of continuing to meet using ACE technology.

Visit the ACE Learning Circles page for details on how they work, to explore the benefits of joining a circle, and to hear from past participants about why they valued the experience.​

Visit t​he Page​​​


Preventing Gender-Based Harassment​ and Violence Learning Circles are​ complimentary. 

Sign up to indicate your interest in participating.

Sign Up​